Thursday, October 10, 2013

. . . How to Own your Greatness . . . A True + Wild Way to Self Discovery

Our greatness is something we don't talk 
about so much. It's kind of a society taboo. However when we really look inside we find greatness is quite a natural place to be. Today, I'll show you 4 steps to owning your greatness AND how to keep your ego out of it.

This post below is part of a Summit Blog Tour which leads up to the Soul*Full Summit hosted by the wonderful Catherine Just.

I'm thrilled to be a part of an event that empowers entrepreneurs, artists and creatives to take action toward their dreams while helping create more opportunities for people with Down Syndrome at the same time.  

You can join the movement by signing up here. It's free! 

Your greatness is not something you are learning. It’s something you’ve always known. This is the real truth. The truth we need to remember. 

In order to truly heal and be all we can be, we must speak our truth. What ever is good for our soul, that is what we must do. And owning our greatness is good for the soul.

A lot of the time, we get stuck in our lives and our healing speaking our pain or the things we wished we did or didn’t do or the regrets we have or the lies that were told. We sometimes add to this important list, the hurt or harm that was caused and the anger that ensued. It is in this place we can often get caught. We spend time taking ourselves down, punishing ourselves, demeaning ourselves. 

But, it is important and in fact crucial, to remember that in the depths of ourselves exists another element too, that we sometimes forget about, or don't speak about, or are shy to own, and that is “our greatness.” 

To walk into our greatness, we need to remember she is there too.  She knows our naked truth. She knows our wants and desires. She may be forgotten, but she is not lost. 

As we travel along our path, we often deal with the pain and suffering. And that is important. But, did you know,  the lineage of the word to suffer is to allow? The Wild Woman, knows that to truly heal, we must allow all to come forward. And that for us to truly stand in our place in the world, we must also acknowledge our great places. That is important too. 

The key to owning your greatness, is to just know she is there. I know, sounds too simple. But it’s true. And once you do, to continue to notice her and continue to nurture her too along with the rest of ourselves, is an expression of you that we all want to see and be part of. 

After being in a car accident at the age of 29, I was forced to deal with pain on the inside and the outside. As I travelled through the unchartered inner terrain of my self, I uncovered many truths. I noticed it was very easy to fall into the pain, to get healers that could deal with the pain, to feel connected when drawn to my inner truth. What was more difficult, I noticed, was allowing my greatness to unfold and be present. 

It took much journeying into my depths to discover that the connection being made was with my true self. And, that my true self, knew her greatness. 

I uncovered that when I spoke from the truth inside of me... that the voices saying “that’s not true” or the fear of someone saying to me “You are so full of yourself” disappeared. 

And I unraveled a way of knowing how to allow her, my dear Greatness, to step into her destiny. I found these 4 steps below to be illuminating pathways to that holy place within and to allowing others to own their pure greatness as well. 

You can do them in any order and for as long as each one takes. Let  the wild in you decide, that place that knows you so very well

The 4 steps to owning your greatness 

Take a Break 

Sometimes we spend so much time working on the stuff that hurt us, or harmed us, or took us down that it starts to consume our every move. It takes over our thoughts, our happiness, our desire to expand out to more than we thought we could do. The place in us that is tired from working on our stuff, or frustrated with the recurring thoughts like “I can’t” or “I don’t know how”, this place needs to know that we are taking care of her too. Giving her a break, gives her room to breathe too and relaxes our human soul. 

It was a whole year before I could sit down after being in a car accident. I worked hard on my healing and didn’t get a lot of breaks really. My friends were going to the movies one day and I couldn’t go, because I couldn’t sit down in the chairs. I thought, "how can I fully heal, if I don’t get a break, or am allowed to have a little fun?" So, I went to the movie theater and asked if I could lie on the floor so I could enjoy things with my friends too. I needed a break. But I couldn’t sit. After conversations about fire regulations and the meaning behind it the manager said ‘yes’... From then on, I went to the movies, lay on the floor, took looks from strangers that disapproved, and began healing on a different lever because I had fun, and took a break from the work of healing. And the theatre became part of my healing too. I’ll never forget the day I came through the door and the manager was there and saw me and smiled and said “We were thinking of you today. You picked a great evening to come. We just vacuumed and cleaned the floors!” 

Staying Power 

Sometimes we want to do more, but sometimes all we can do is what we can do, and that is enough. We may have the desire to more or to do less, but all we can do is what is in this moment, right now. Honor this place. Embrace patience, which includes perseverance, persistence, endurance, tenacity and staying power. This also teaches us to contain all the feelings and things going on. Patience is not something that we can just say we will do. It takes some effort. But it is totally doable and an intrinsic part of the wild path. It also will help us to learn how to manage our energy and to practice the skill of observation. With observation, doors to new paths open. And when they do, we need to know we have staying power! 

The Mindful Way 

To stop the repetitive pattern of thinking about the same things over and over, and doing the same thoughts over and over, or saying the same things to someone and getting the same responses, is a very mindful task. It is not something that just happens, nor, in my experience, is it an easy thing to just ‘do’. It takes a conscious attempt. In this stage to begin to forward see . . . we must consciously ask ourselves to not say the thing that comes soooo easily that harms another or fills you with negative thoughts or puts ‘them’ into the wrong place and ‘you’ into the right place. It’s a willingness to let go of that role.  When I am working through things and find my self not knowing what to do, I ask myself “What role did I put myself into?” Usually, once I’ve identified that, the answer comes. Because inside our true selves, we know what is good for us and can make solid, true decision for ourselves.  And once we let go of what we think and follow her instead... miracles unveil. (A little secret question to ask yourself when you find yourself here is . . . would you rather be right or happy?) 

The Act of Creation 

There are many, many ways to do this. Some might think that to move into this stage, it means we must accept or forgive or surrender or not acknowledge what has happened or what was done in the past. This is not the truth. This place is a mindful decision. It is a place where we consciously decide to release the old and allow a new future to unfold.  

To make a mindful decision is an act of creation. 

It is a powerful place as it is you that will make the decision. You can decide how you do this. You decide what ritual you need to do to acknowledge the event. It doesn’t have to be black and white, it can be grey or colorful. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing or one thing or the other.

This is the place where we sit in the soul of our minds and allow ourselves to release our greatness from behind bars and open to the wild . . . because what we didn’t know before, is that keeping our greatness behind bars, also kept us behind bars. 

Remember, you are the one, who holds the key to open the door and walk through into your greatness.  But you must dare to listen to the call. You must dare to move towards the feeling. You must dare to allow yourself to feel it. You must dare yourself to make a mindful decision and take back your power. 

Because, greatness is waiting for you.  Can you see her there with her arms open? She’s giddy with excitement to see you when you arrive. Because then, she and you and your soul can now begin and continue to fulfill your destiny. And there is nothing that makes her happier. 

How do you know if you are finding your greatness without ego? 

Instead of feeling rage, anger or irritation, you may feel sad inside your heart, or even empathy for the person you were angry with. Maybe you forget what it was about, for example,  the harder you try to retrieve the information, it just simply isn’t there anymore. Some might say “I’ve processed it” 

Suddenly, you find that you don’t want anything from that person anymore. What you thought you wanted, is gone.  Maybe it hasn’t turned out the way you really wanted it to but you are no longer feeling bound by it, or like it really matters. You are free to move forward into something else. And you are willing to step into a new role. 

Your greatness has room now to speak . . . without all these other thoughts or energies making stuff up in your head. You are moving from a place of maybe even forgiveness, not condoning the other, but simply making a decision to let go, surrendering to your true self or making room for yourself to open into your life, including your greatness, in whatever form that is for you. 

Allowing yourself to let go of the old and move into the new can be one of the greatest gifts of your life and one more true to who you are. The you that also includes your wild and beautiful greatness . . .The you  that accepts that you have things to do here on the planet . . .  The you that acknowledges the path of your soul. The you being all of you which includes your greatness. 

Because Greatness is you. And she is waiting for you with open arms. She wants to hold you there and help you remember.  She is dedicated to your journey with her and is delighted you continue to find your way back. You just need to remember to notice her, embrace her and work with her . . . because, she’s always there. She never EVER leaves.

Elizabeth xo

Hi! I'm Elizabeth MacLeod and I'm delighted to see you here. 

I'm here to remind you that you are beautiful + raw + wild + you matter . . . big time. 

I'm a Guidance Instructor + Visionary who answers the big questions like what is the meaning of your life? What does it mean for you to be wild from the heart? From which place within, does magic rise up?

I believe it's our birthright to be who we are. That it is possible to create a world where it's known that living wild + true is part of our lineage, and therefore, totally possible and in fact, an expected responsibility for ourselves, our families, our communities + the planet . . .
I'm here to show you it's possible to live in a world 
where being you never felt so great! 

Download my FREE Woman's Guide to her true path

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Magical Manifestation - A Wild Woman story about the amazing Universe

Like my new walking stick?

It's interesting how things come into your life. Tojo (in the picture with me above) made this stick... a medicine man... walking by the Wild Woman Enchanted Store at the Langdale Ferry Terminal, here in little ol' British Columbia, Canada.... on his way somewhere . . . who just came over to me in my store and said, "I'd like to give you this walking stick." 

I had talked briefly with him, in an insignificant way really, just two people sharing life in that moment, a few minutes earlier... and he had left and I went on with my day, helping a Wild Woman in the store pick a Wild Woman Mystery Card and I thought he's gone on with his day too. I remember thinking what a lovely man he was, but that was all as things got busy for a moment. 

That day, I was feeling a little in need of something, like I needed support. So much had happened. The death of a friends son, a new class I had just given, leading a Heart Healing Ceremony for the Wild Woman, being at the Wild Woman Enchanted Store at the Langdale Ferry Terminal, new projects in the works for the Wild Woman that are to be soon revealed ... all this and more.

I shared a little with my store neighbor, Lynda, when I arrived but other than that, I hadn't said anything to anyone or anything. It was just a private noticing . . . a thought of knowing that I needed a little time to rest . . . a desire for some support . . . a wishing for family. I was aware, that I needed some time and was planning to take a little that evening and looking forward to it... and then, out of the blue, Tojo comes into my store, walks over and says "I'd like you to have this. I make them. It's a walking stick and I think this is yours." 

I wasn't quite sure what to say, as I was aware of my inner workings, the place that said "I need some support. I'm tired. Just a little. Not much. I need to be held up a little today." And I was aware that the acknowledgment was enough to make the change if I could hang on until the end of the day. And just the acknowledgment helped me know I could. 

I hadn't said anything to anyone about it, except Lynda who was next to me when I arrived that morning. Other than that small moment, it was a private place in me. A place I was just walking into awareness about. So I thought. But not private to the Universe. 

To be given a walking stick, with a clear crystal at it's helm, I was kind of stunned by the magic of it all. I felt a little giggle inside at the thought of my thought feeling like I needed support and that I had to wait for rest, or whatever I was thinking I would do to take care of myself. I didn't know this man. I'd never met him. And although I may have said something about my days... I hadn't expressed my need out loud. 

Honestly, to think that our thoughts are not heard by the Universe, by the almighty what ever it is, is almost as ridiculous as the morning not coming every day. 

We chatted a little and I thanked him and said that a walking stick was perfect for me in this moment. The metaphor was beyond noticing. It was like the Universe was helping me and not even making me work at figuring it out. I mean a walking stick to support me...

Hello! Because this communication was not even difficult to decipher. You simply couldn't miss it. I looked at my neighbor who was watching the whole thing and said "Whoa" as I looked her in the eyes. She agreed. It was mesmerizing what had just occurred. And I was humbled by this "random" yet really "not so random" act of listening ... or ... I mean kindness! LOL ...I hope you are giggling with me! 

The surprises that come to me, the people I'm blessed to meet, the beauty that walks into my store, overcomes me. 

We have a few more week-ends down there until Thanksgiving (our last week-end there) ... and as I get ready to be there tomorrow, I can't help but feel magical. I can't help but know the Universe has got my back in ways I can't imagine. I can't help but think thoughts I want to manifest. I can't help but say to you, come and see me down there. Share in this with me if you have the chance. And if you don't, come here and I'll share with you here on this page. Because life is too short to miss these kinds of magical 'I've got your back' moments. 

Oh how the blessings from the deeper workings of the Universe come in ways that we are simply not always able to fully discern . . . it makes me fall in love, over and over and over again, with the Wild Mysteries of life and the magic that exists beyond our knowing.

Oh, how very deeply . . . down in the center of the cosmos . . . how very deeply I felt loved, heard and seen that day ... To be seen in that way. To be known in that way. To be loved in that way. And to receive the message in this way . . . the purity astounds me. 


~Elizabeth~ xo

PS...Does this make you ponder? 

Hi! I'm Elizabeth MacLeod and I'm delighted to see you here! 

I'm here to remind you that you are beautiful + raw + wild + you matter . . . big time. 

I'm a Guidance Instructor + Visionary who answers the big questions like what is the meaning of your life? What does it mean for you to be wild from the heart? From which place within, does magic rise up? 

I believe it's our birthright to be who we are. That it is possible to create a world where it's known that living wild + true is part of our lineage, and therefore, totally possible and in fact, an expected responsibility for ourselves, our families, our communities + the planet . . . 

I'm here to show you it's possible to live in a world where being you never felt so great! 

DOWNLOAD your woman's guide to your true path 
Click here: The Wild Woman Shift.  It's free!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why we do it . . . Crossing the Frontiers of our Inner Solar System

In 1977 I was graduating from college in Montreal and leaving the province to begin my exploration of life, to voyage into unknown internal territories, to explore the expansion of my mind at University, and to go where I had never gone before. I was my own starship, traveling Earth, directing where she would go and yet allowing some unknown internal telescope see my path so I would know where to go . . .

At the same time, the first robotic spacecraft 'Voyager One' left the Earth. And just this last Thursday NASA confirmed that this little space craft had now "crossed the frontier" and had actually left our solar system to a place we'd never seen or even knew really existed. It is now about 19 billion kilometres from our sun. And it is no longer in 'our' solar system. I felt an exhilaration, a wondering if this is how they felt when they discovered the world was round or how a little girl felt when she discovered she could tie her own shoe?

Today, I came across this video above....  In 1996... some scientists pointed the hubble telescope into nothing. They wondered if this "high in demand" telescope would be wasted looking at nothing . . . as that is all that could be seen with the naked eye. However, it couldn't have been farther from the truth.

I think of my own journey, the one we think sometimes is so small, and it makes me think that nothing is far from it. We are only a small blipp of something, like a grain of sand, some say.... but we are not nothing. We can't be when you think of it this way.

The wild of space is in this video . . . over 100 billions galaxies are in our universe... like it says in this video . . . when you look at this image and begin to understand what it means, you can't help but be changed. We are only a small part of a much larger territory that we know of.

By hearing last week's news about 'Voyager One' and now seeing this video, I feel as if I've seen something so special and discovered something in a way a scientist discovers tiny molecules. I feel I like I have been visited by something angelic or godly or beyond. Perhaps I have.

They have seen the "ultra deep field" . . . the farthest into the universe that we so far know.

I think of meditation, or deep crying, or the transformation of pain and I can't help but think that when we reach beyond our own frontiers, we discover the galaxies of ourselves. . . deep inside. In these places, we travel so far beyond what we thought we knew of ourselves, that we often come out feeling as if we are new. Like we were the 'Voyager One' leaving our own solar system and discovering a whole new galaxy or galaxies in the beyond of ourselves. Or maybe we are the Hubble telescope, discovering billions of light sources beyond the us we thought we were.

It's no wonder then, that we are seekers, as we must sense that the 'that' which we seek is far greater that the 'that' which we think we know . . .

~Elizabeth xo

Founder of Wild Woman Enchanted
Creator of the Wild Woman Mystery Cards - An enchanting journey to your true self

Hi Wild Woman! Great to see you here. I'm Elizabeth MacLeod - Guidance Instructor + Visionary dedicated to living in a world where women feel connected with themselves + their power, beauty, grace, glory + wildness . . . A world where being you never felt so great and so exciting.

I'm here to remind you that you are beautiful + raw + wild + you matter.

Wanna hear something wild? I live in the rainforest of BC, Canada at the end of a dirt road with my 2 four-leggeds Daisy + Reilly + the folk of the Halfmoon Bay Forest - only 2 minutes from the ocean. That use to be a dream. Now . . it's real!

Want to do some wild things with your life? Download my COMPLIMENTARY woman's guide to a better life here. It's free!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Friday, April 26, 2013

The 9 Wild Woman Super Powers

              The 9 Wild Woman Super Powers

Wild Woman is of her own mold. She can not be stuffed into someone else's liking or made to be what someone else thinks she should be. Wild Woman reclaims her place, brings her natural powers, and lives deeply inside what she knows to be true.

Ultimately, being 'untamed' is the ability to navigate your path with the divine and wild feminine. We long for her. We long to see through her eyes as she sees through her intuitive self, an ancient art that gets lost in our present culture. But she continues, retrieving the wisdom that goes back many generations, so she can reclaim it and pass it forward to those young ones stepping into their wild nature.

Wild Woman is the source of the feminine, the power of the natural, the alive inspirations and she has sacred powers that are medicine to her soul and remedies for repair when lost.

When her feminine soul is fed, she expands, softens, rises and hears the call, even if buried deep in her bones.

She uses her 9 Wild Woman Super Powers and more as she breathes her soul and anoints her spirit and brings consciousness back into her memory. Here, she meets her most wild and precious self and re-members who she is.

Where do you resonate?

The 9 Wild Woman Super Powers

1. The Super Power of Creativity :

You are so in love with something that makes you happy to do it, be in it, make it, birth it or simply be it. You have heard of shape shifters and perhaps you are somewhat like that. Creativity is a shape changer. With one stroke of a brush, the canvas shifts and changes.

Wild Woman can change herself and feed the world with her creativity. It's almost like Creativity is a 'being' herself as being creative naturally gives back all that is given and more. Wild Woman exists as creativity exists and knows she must keep in the flow to keep it turned on and that she must tend to it regularly.

2. The Super Power of Uniqueness:

You know that the rules of society and the ways that are considered successful, may not be your definition. You know what your Soul requires of you and no matter how much that might have been suppressed, oppressed or silenced you will seek your soul path, your true self.

Wild Woman knows this is an act of courage. She respects the journey, the unlayering of notions she thought she had to be. She reaches into her community for what she needs, and she understands that her soul and spirit hold astonishing magic, just like that of a seed growing into a beautiful flower.

3. The Super Power of Spirit Tracking:

As you look for and attend to your wild soul voice, your realize you must stay conscious of your energy. You look for old patterns that are alive in your present life. You look at where you are drained of energy and where you are supported.

Wild Woman knows she is the guardian of her energy. Her tools, information and tracking shoes gathered, she continues to track her spirit gathering information and learning. She travels over the mountains in her mind and the wild oceans of her belly and the surges that pulse through her veins. She tears up the roots, finds lush areas to plant forbidden seeds and risks becoming new again as she learns of her underground self. She innately knows this work is crucial for her growth and brings a compelling nature to her world.

4. The Super Power of Staying Awake:

If you loose your way or can't find your purpose, or if you are confused, or just lost your energy, you know that something has come along and tugged upon your soul in a way that takes the life out of you. You know then, work needs to be done and it takes some staying power to do. You know you can no longer sleep walk through your day.

Wild Woman knows that once she has tasted her conscious self that she can never really turn back for long. She knows this is where joy waits for her and a wisening of the taste of her soul destiny is what she yearns for.

5. The Super Power of Alignment:

When you might feel 'off' or unable to find your center, you know you need to listen to the needs of your body and the whispers of your soul. Clearing the way is important work.

Wild Woman knows her body is like a wand between the Earth and the Sky. She knows when she is clear, when her soul is an emollient with her path and she is in agreement with herself and the great expanse of the Universe . . . She knows, she will manifest quickly, easily and find the parking spot just when she needs it!

6. The Super Power of Instinct:

Your gut speaks to you. You are learning of your deep feminine knowing. Your instincts helps you to move before you are ready or before you know enough. They help you respond before you know what to do.

Wild Woman knows she needs to claim her instincts and take back her life. She knows she needs to learn this from the ground up, so she can really know what is truly her. She knows they tell her what boundaries to set and what lines are safe to cross and lead her and take her places where she can howl at the moon, sing without a tune, jump way high with her arms in the air or run through the fields and flop down onto her back to take in the sky . . . 

7. The Super Power of the Internal Mother:

You know that sometimes, depending on what you need and how you are evolving, that sometimes your internal mother must change. Sometimes, it's good to coddle and smile and keep you protected, and yet you know, that there are times that it is not always 'good for the soul' to hold back or play it safe. Sometimes a shove or nudge of brisk energy, risk or thrill, is also the role of the internal mother within.

Wild Woman knows that if she is to express her self and her gifts, she must learn the ways of changing mothers.

8. The Super Power of Dreaming:

You love to dream. You look far beyond your eyes to see your vision. Going beyond the everyday, traveling with the dream-maker at night fuels the Wild Woman and feeds her desire for more, her quest for beauty, her divine vision powered by source.

Wild Woman knows she is alive when she dreams and lives to keep fulfilling them. And she knows, the voice of her dreams, speak from her soul. When she hears the call, she may at first stumble, but she knows the wild is calling her and reaches to meet the heart beat of the call.

9. The Super Power of Intuition:
You never loose your intuition, even when you hear that your intuition has been broken out of you, you know this is not true. It is the knowledge and knowing that has been passed down from generation to generation that has been broken, not your intuition.

Wild Woman can feel her intuitive wisdom inside her skin, in the flesh of her heart and deepness of her bones. She knows she has immediate access to this wisdom, always. And she'll do what ever it takes to get it back and fully own the deep wisdom that calls her.

Wild Woman is the force behind her Super Powers. By recognizing these powers, and giving her the space to have them, Wild Woman will not only show up, but she will stay. And you know, she will inform the deepest part of you, bringing you your most natural, wild and deeply feminine self and way of being.

Where is she present? Where can you feel her breathe?  . . . Are you longing for her? Good. That means, she is present.

With love,

~Elizabeth xo

PS Find you're not quite able to use your super powers and you need a bit of help, get my My Wild Woman Mystery Cards . Use them daily. Click here to get yours.

Hi! I'm Elizabeth MacLeod - a Wild Woman Muse, Teacher, Guide and Author and Illustrator of the Wild Woman Mystery Cards.

I want to live in a world where women feel connected with themselves and their power, grace, beauty, glory and wildness . . .

A world where we can reclaim our true selves and know it's our birthright to be who we are.

I love the ocean under moonlight, tea with milk chocolate, music, magic, change agents & daring dreamers.

Want to take your life back? Reclaim your true self? Live your most vivid dream? Start here with The Wild Woman Shift.
It's FREE.
