I finally landed in my new home by the sea..... It is unbelievable, and undeniably a crazy experience to MOVE! 14 years in one place, means so many precious treasures... but, none the less, an opportunity for letting go and opening into.... And let go I did... even a picture drawn of me by a street artist in Italy (pictured above) when I was 19 years old traveling with my mother by pack back. (I carried the pack!)
It was in her house since then and although I had it after her death for the past 10 and a half years, I never put it on the wall! So, after putting it aside, for a while, throwing other things out, some easliy and some a little more difficult... and not sure if it should go, as I neared the end of this journey at my old house and consciously knew I was opening to the new...
I asked myself... Is this yours.. or your mom's memory?
I smiled. It was partly mine... but it wasn't mine to hold onto. It wasn't my precious spot like it was to her.
and so... I took this pictures.... and...
I put it in the truck to go to the dump.
WOW. And I felt it. Emotionally. As if it was tangible. A conscious decision. A hard decision. A good decision. A decision filled with good-bye.
And yet, a loved decision. Filled with it. Appreciation abundant. And so, it is now gone...along with 2 truck loads of stuff to the dumpity dump! Have you ever done that?... Just let go! What a feeling. Not easy... lots of downs and end of the rope kind of emotions ... and yet, when done, it clears things out in a way you could now describe until it's done.
A brave release into the depths of my own Universe. A beautiful tribute to a life well lived and waiting for more to come. Opening into more beauty.
These were really my mothers memories... not mine. I mean, I did have the experience...but it wasn't the picture I had on my wall for many years... it was a picture SHE had on HER wall for many years.
We need to carry our own memories and keep with us what is dear to us... and not hold on to the memories that are dear to others. That is for them to do....
When in doubt, ask yourself ... "Is this my memory, or someone elses'?"
Your answer will give you the direction you need to go.
Even if it means, letting go of something your mother or someone dear to you, loved doing with you. She'll still love you. And she wants you to have your own memories. Let yourself have your own memories. They feed you, nurture you, bring light to you...
Even if it means, sending it to the dumpity dump, dump!
In a magical moment... transformation swirls... and creation rings with truth …
Yours in the wild,
~Elizabeth xo
About Elizabeth MacLeod
Founder of Wild Woman Enchanted
Creatrix of the Wild Woman Mystery Cards
Your wild is an endangered species.
I'm here to help you free her!
It's your birthright to be who you are
What are you waiting for?
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Lots of free wild things there for you