Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Comes in the Most Unexpected Places!

Happy Valentine's Day Beautiful Wild Soul . . .

I had the most enchanting experience in my front yard a couple of summers ago that I just had to share with you today. One of the results of that time was discovering this little gem that came from the apple tree right outside my front door.

Sometimes I'm just stopped in my tracks at what Mother Nature creates and shares with us. I had to take a picture to try to capture the feeling of complete enchantment I felt. It was like picking up magic resting in the grass. 

But not only that . . .

. . . it was quite something it survived as I was being visited by my resident Mama Bear that year and she and her three kids were eating EVERYTHING in sight that summer! Even my garbage can went for walks!!!

One afternoon, I had the privilege of looking out my window to witness this bear family in action. Mostly, I didn't actually see them. I just knew they had been here. But this afternoon, I looked out the window to see one of the little kidlit bears was up in the tree knocking the apples down to her two siblings below who were gathering them with their mama. It was playful and intriguing and downright bubbly to watch.

I was sure they got them all and was quite tickled to have been able to witness this family act in my front yard (from behind the living room window with the door closed!!!) To witness this made my ordinary day quite extraordinary! It was such a gift.

Little did I know what had been left behind for me.

I came out the next morning to see they had feasted on all the apples, except 6 left on the ground. This apple above was one of the six. I bent down and looked at it again and again and again in disbelief, not only that there it was, with a heart imprinted on it, which in itself was unbelievable . . . but that somehow, there it was, not eaten, not taken and left here for me to find and left here out of every single apple in the tree!

Such magic to behold. Such simplicity of the universe in its inclusiveness. Bless her big Mama Bear heart for leaving this one behind for me!

I love, love, love, every little piece of this memory. The whole thing felt like such a blessing . . . And like a friend of mine says . . . You can't beat a good blessing!

Remember as your day goes along, keep a look out . . . 'cause it's true . . .  magic is everywhere. And when you find it . . .  love comes in the most unexpected places!

Have a great day!

Lots of Wild Mama Bear Love to you,


P.S. As a gift for yourself today go here to see what Wild Woman Mystery Card comes forward for you on this day of love.


© 2012 Elizabeth MacLeod


Anonymous said...

A dancing Sparkling Star Bear sends love... to you and love this post.... (and your blog doesn't like my Open ID?) I have tried to comment before and it would let me! :(

Elizabeth said...

Hey there Sparkling Star Bear . . . Sending you love too! Yes, I noticed something has shifted. I'll see if I can figure it out again. been trying, but maybe it's time to bring in some troups to see if they know what's going on....

Thanks and Love Love LOVE to you!

Stephanie said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS!!! Thanks for sharing Elizabeth!!!


Elizabeth said...

Your Welcome Steph! Thank YOU!!! ;)