My beautiful car is going on retreat until at least the end of next week. Me, I'll be cave dwelling here in the Enchanted Woods until she returns.
I felt such gratitude for her amazing strength and ability to just get me home safely last night, as the rain literally poured down on us in the black velvet of the unlit sky. She shook, shaking my body with hers, barely able to carry us home. It was like an earth quake, but only one we could feel.
Cautiously, we made our way through the wet night following the yellow line leading us down the Sunshine Coast Highway, the trees by our side, the windshield wipers splishing and splashing back and forth, back and forth. I can still hear their sound.…
I concentrated. And I talked to her . . . "Can you do it safely?" I'd asked.
"Yes" she'd say underneath her trembles. I could feel the tenderness of that word.
We were the Wild Woman and her car companion, doing what we always do, but with more consciousness of the daily ease and pleasure so available before.
She guided me…"Go a little slower and use the down hills to help me up the uphills to come" "Okay" I'd respond gently pushing my foot up and down as we needed. Steady as she goes.
We did it. We made it home. Both of us a little hot from the sweating. But safely, we were home.
Today, she is off to the Garage Spa for treatment in hopes that her shaky body and flashing engine light can return to her self . . . and that her powerful chi can be revived and all hooked up and aligned once again.
Be well, my precious blue car companion. Be well. I send you off with much appreciation for all you do for me and I look forward to your safe return.
~Elizabeth xo
Hi Wild Woman! I'm Elizabeth MacLeod + I'm delighted to see you here!
I'm an author, teacher, publisher, magic maker and Wild Woman living in the enchanted rain forest on the Sunshine Coast of BC.
I write, illustrate and make Wild Woman books + tools for your heart so you can live your life the way you really want to live it so you can feel the love and love the feel.
Because I believe it's our birthright to be who we are . . . that it is possible to create a world where it's known that living wild + true is part of our lineage, and totally possible and in fact, an expected responsibility for ourselves, our families, our communities + the planet . . .
Simply put, I'm here to show you it's possible to live in a world where being you never felt so great! Because that's what the journey is all about really.
Want to unleash your Wild Woman! Click here: The Wild Woman Shift Chart. It's FREE!
I loved this window into your world. Even more, I love that you found your way home safely and without incident. And yes, I have a similar relationship with my cars. I keep them until they can't turn another mile, hundreds of thousands of miles.
Ah trying to come to a place of peace with my own car situation! This surely put that in perspective. So sweet.
such a sweet testament to a loyal friend. and so glad you are safe. my little red mini cooper has had many difficulties (and is not among my husband's favorites). but i love my "apple" - we have such fun together.
Aren't they wonderful!
Thanks Karen. Good luck with your car situaltion!
A little red mini cooper called "Apple" … that is just so sweet!
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