My summer store (which is at the Langdale Ferry Terminal right by the Ocean, in BC, which prompts me to call it my little portal by the sea)- helped to keep the magic alive the other day! Here's how.
At my little portal by the sea, a young wild girl was there with her Mom who said something like "Here are these cards. Come look. Let's see what we get." She was referring to the Wild Woman Mystery Cards which I wrote and illustrated and are on display for people to play with and try.
Her young wild self stood beside her Mom while she choose a card. I came over when her Mom was reading about her card and looked at her and smiled and was about to say something when she looked up at me and said… "Is this true?" Her eyes were seeking. Earnest. Asking. "What do you mean by true sweetie? I asked as I bent down to her level. "Is it true?" she said.
I felt like she was asking me with the energy we asks our Moms when we are wondering "Is Santa real?" I looked in her eyes… "Is what true?" I asked. I'm wanting to find what you are really wanting to know, because I really want to answer your question the best way I can."
She looked at her mom. Her mom smiled. "Are you wondering if the words are true? Or that it's true because you picked that card? Or something else?" "She thought for a moment as she nodded her head. "All of that?" I asked. She nodded shifting from one foot to another. "Ahh, I said "Such a wise question. Let me see if I can find the answer. You let me know if I answer your question. okay?" She nodded.
"I'm wondering if you are asking is this real?" I looked at her for confirmation. "Yeah" she nodded and looked back at her Mom. I snuck a peak to her mom and our eyes met. I wanted to see where she was at with this. It was good. So I continued. "I love this question." I responded as I looked at her. "When we pick a card from the deck, we follow what feels like the right one for us, the one that kind of calls to us, or that our gut says... ."pick me. pick me!"And we follow our feeling to find the right card for us . . . and what we feel is always right." I wanted her to know, her feeling and seeking was valid, accurate, infinitely wild, and I wanted her to keep this experience for later times in her life when she needed a little help. I looked at her listening to me earnestly.
I knew the bigger question was her wanting to know if magic was real.
It took me back to when my first niece looked at me when she was 10 years old and we were getting ready to go outside to play with the fairies. I was putting on my sparkles and make-up and usually this excited her. But today, something else was on her mind. I was one step up from her, primping myself in the mirror and she came in, stopped, looked at me and said with conviction "Lizzie. I know." I felt a lump in my stomach. I knew what she meant. Her sister was younger and eagerly getting ready as usual. I kept putting my make-up on as if it was the most normal statement like, I'm wearing my running shoes.
"What is it you know" I asked innocently. I kept putting on my make-up. "I know" she said looking at me intently. This intent energy made me stop. I put my arm down and looked her in the eyes. "What do you know Little Love" I asked. "That fairies aren't real. My Mom told me." "Oh" I said. I didn't want to compete with her Mom, or confuse her or take away her truth. I felt intense sadness that the magic was now lost and for an instant, I recognized this place where we loose the magic, and I grieved for all children who loose this place.
I kept it normal though. And said. "Okay, that's cool." And I went back to putting my make-up on, each lash getting the right amount of mascara. She remained beside me and didn't move. Watching me.
As I continued I asked "Would you mind if I kept doing it?" I asked. "I still believe in fairies. It's okay that you don't. Would it be okay with you if I did?" I could hear her thinking. We had spent her whole life talking about fairies and making little houses for them, and leaving them things. I talked of the fairy ring that was at my house in Halfmoon Bay (yes, there really was one!) and I could feel her trying to make sense of it all.
She stood there. Her head tilted. She was thinking. "They are real to me" I said "And I'm totally cool that they aren't for you. That's totally okay. Beyond okay." I turned and looked at her. She still stood there. Thinking. Watching me. Wheels turning.
"Well" she said "Maybe they are like angels and are a spirit." I looked at her lowering my mascara wand from my eye and looked at her. "Yes, I said, maybe they are like angels."
I could feel her relief. We sat on the step and talked about it. Asking questions and forming new realities. In this moment, her magic matured. She was growing up.
I was so quietly happy inside myself that she figured out that the magic didn't have to stop, it just needed to mature with her. I felt elated inside. I knew how important it was for when we grow up not to have to reclaim this place.
This little girl was asking the same question here in my booth. I honored it deeply. I knew that this was a question she needed answered. A reference point for her maturing magical ability. And so I said "This question you ask is very wise and a really good question. One smart girls ask. And I'm so glad you asked me and I hope you continue to ask as you find out more. Here is what I can tell you about this."
She looked at her Mom, excited. Her Mom kept reading the meaning of her card in her book with a quick glance my way. "Yes, it is real. That is a good word to use as well as true. What happens when someone pulls a card for the Wild Woman Mystery Card deck is that they are wondering about stuff in their life so they ask for a little guidance. Then they follow what they feel, they might not know exactly why, but they feel it, so they turn over the card. Many times, when people read about the card they choose, they find it to be really right. So they come back for more. It's like getting a little help with what's going on in your day." Does that help answer your question?
She nodded in her whole body and had a little smile. "So, to answer your question, is this true? "Yes, this is true, for me. Maybe for your Mom. And now you get to decided whether it's true for you. Okay?"
"Yes" she responded. Her body light. The heaviness of her spiritual awakening relieved. "And the way you do that, is by trusting what you feel" I said to her reaching inside her internal wisdom.
We chatted a bit more. Got it solid. Made sure her questions were answered. When she left, she was holding her Mom's hand and skipping. Yup. That's what it feels like to know the secrets of the Universe and not have to squelch the real you.
Maybe that day, I had the privilege of helping another soon to be Wild Woman, keep her magical place inside, and cherish her knowing, her intuition, her self. Maybe one more little wild soul was saved. Maybe the Wild Woman Mystery Cards are here to save not only us 'big guys' but also the little ones that are by are side and the little ones, inside of us. Maybe they are helping to form the lineage of wildness, that place of knowing who we are.
Maybe, it's bigger than I knew and know. Maybe, I'm a little part of that. Maybe, just maybe we are all more than we think, affecting each other in ways we can't always know. Keeping alive the magic.
After all, what good would it do to leave all that behind. What good does it do to give up your self and your beliefs?" What good does it do to not grow into something you outgrow, just because you don't know how, so then it dies?
Don't let your magic die.
Don't let your children's knowledge of magic die"
Instead, let it grow into where you are now. Let it move you into a place that makes you come alive. Let it surround you in your deep inner wisdom.
Let her breathe. Let her be known. Let her be seen.
And love the HECK out of her when she asks the easy to dismiss questions. Because she is asking here, for her lineage, her ancestory, her knowing. It is important and vital to keep it alive. Because it is real. And it is true.
Let your magical self mature with you. Bring our children along with you. Let them mature too, no matter what age they are or you are.
Grow with it. Allow it. Embrace it. And see it for what it is. Ask when you don't know. Our inner wisdom does not let us down when we let it rise up.
And when we are asked "Is it true?" by your own self or someone else, be sure to answer. It keeps you growing and keeps you real.
And to me . . . that is the greatest blessing of all....
~Elizabeth xo
PS. I'd love to hear your thoughts below . . .
About Elizabeth MacLeod BEd, BMus, CPC
Founder of Wild Woman Enchanted
Hi! I'm Elizabeth MacLeod. I'm the author of the Wild Woman Mystery Cards - An enchanting journey to your true self and other wild wonders.
Ultimately, all of my work is about
helping people be more themselves without the guilt because that's what
makes you smile deeply from the inside out.
(Because being who you are is like
air is to oxygen and hearts are to love. And if you're wild, like me,
it's the only way to feel vibrantly alive)
That's what I do. And I'm not confused.
Learn more and receive your free gift at:
I so enjoyed reading this Elizabeth. What a beautiful gift you gave to this little wild woman, and her mother. The ripples of your love and kindness are impossible to calculate.
My teenage boys are so respectful of my deep belief in Angels and miracles that when they 'found out' about Santa, they didn't tell me!! To this day we haven't had that conversation. It makes my heart smile to think that they don't want ME to find out that Santa doesn't exist. Perhaps there is a teeny tiny part of them that appreciates the magic of belief. I can't wait to see how they pass that on to their children. Thank you for this post. <3
Beautiful Elizabeth.
I feel your gentleness and honouring of this delightful girl and her mother. Yes, we still magic and belief in ourselves and people who believe in us.
What a beautiful story! I will always believe in fairies. And Santa. And Angels. And so much more.
How amazing to be able to impact this young girl in such a powerful way!
I felt as thought you were talking to me:) What a dear story. Everyone gets to feel whole and be reminded that the inner voice is real and belief in our beliefs is real. That it's safe to believe in magic and safe to have a conversation about magic.
What a lucky niece you have! Aunt Elizabeth gave her such a beautiful gift to let her belief in magic mature as she does. When we connect to spirit we connect to our hearts. You are a gift!! XO
Wow. love, Love, LOVE this! And now your Portal by the Sea is on my bucket list. Truly magical. *sigh*
I am coming to spend some time at your portal by the sea♥ I love this story Elizabeth. Magic, and believing is essential to our truth. Amazing. D♥
"I wanted her to know, her feeling and seeking was valid, accurate, infinitely wild, and I wanted her to keep this experience for later times in her life when she needed a little help." oh elizabeth, this is so full of beautiful warmth, understanding, gentleness. if only we all took the time to sincerely listen to and answer questions that arise during others' soul-searching (and our own).
oh I just love this Elizabeth - it is a tale of wonderment, belief and trust in the universe. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful real life story. Gee - don't children teach us so much or should I say remind us of so much.
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