Sunday, December 7, 2014

Come Step into the Wild with Me . . . A Holiday Special just for you!

Beautiful Wild Woman...

My friend Sue Ann Gleason  said to me yesterday she's the type of person that buys these kinds of decks (angel and tarot decks) and leaves them on her book shelf and that keeps her from purchasing more. I thought a lot about what she was asking and her request for connection with me over the deck. She said that a 20 minute session with me would be a "no brainer". I thought a lot about this, and found myself wandering in this wonder-filled idea. And so I make a special holiday offer to you (and to you Sue Ann!)

I used to do the same thing, buy decks and keep them on my book shelf, and would have LOVED to talk with the creator or even anyone about how to do it or what they are about or even questions about me and using the cards to do it.

So here's the deal, if you buy a set of the Wild Woman Mystery Cards by Monday, December 15th, 2014, I will give you a 20 minutes with me absolutely free, where you can have a reading, or ask me any questions you like about the cards so they don't just sit on your shelf, but that you really REALLY use them. We can do this by skype or telephone or FB chat or even email. We will set aside a time together and just do it. Informal, sacred and profound. You and me.

 If this is you and you want these cards and would love to talk with me about them... then hit the link and make your purchase. When you get your confirmation of your order, just hit reply and say.. "Elizabeth, it's me, Wild Woman. When can we connect about the cards" or something to that affect and I'll set you up with a time. I'll know you are part of the tribe and have seen this offer, or have a friend who has told you about it and that's good too! Definitely spread the joy. It's open to all Wild Women.  How does that sound?

Go here to buy your Wild Woman Mystery Cards  now. Don't miss this rare opportunity! I can't wait to talk with you and share the cards with you ... and answer any questions you have. I'm so excited!

Go get them Wild Woman. Let's create magic together! (and yes, you can buy them for a friend. Just tell me who and I'll write up a little note telling her about her free 20 minutes with me.

What a great Christmas gift for your self or dear friend.

Thanks for asking Sue Ann. :) I think you spoke the words of many. Buy your deck here and get your free 20 minutes with me now.

Can't wait to hear your voice Wild Woman!

Yours in the wild,

With love,

~Elizabeth xo

About Elizabeth MacLeod

 Your wild is an endangered species.
 I'm here to help you set her free!


It's your birthright to be who you are
What are you waiting for?

Visit my portal for some cool and free wild stuff!


Sue Ann Gleason said...

So honored that you contemplated this delicious idea and just thrilled that you decided to implement it, too. Over the years I have been blessed by your magic and your spirit in so many ways. Knowing that I can now look forward to connecting with you over these cards thrills me. May you continue to spread your wild woman magic wherever you go. Looking forward to our (first) Wild Woman session!

Elizabeth said...

Me too Sue Ann. Thank you so much for your deeply delicious and very kind words. I too, have been blessed with you and your gifts in so many ways. Knowing you have the cards, thrills me too… See you soon Wild Woman !!!! xoxoxoxo

Michelle said...

Yay! I just called Mom and told her about this special. Merry Christmas to me! :-)

I've been reading runes since I was in college. They never collect dust. And neither will these. xoxo

Elizabeth said...

Awesome! Give your Mom a big Wild Woman Hug for me!!!! Merry Christmas to YOU!!!!!!!

Can't wait till we speak… YAY!!!!! When you get your cards, lets make a time… yahoo!!!! thanks Michelle xoxo

Unknown said...

Ok, that offer is too good to resist. I just have to think about gifting the idea too. Great idea and I want to thank Sue Ann for your conversation. Feeling the holiday love Elizabeth!!!

Lori said...

Just ordered your Wild Woman Cards. So excited! Looking forward to speaking with you. :)

Elizabeth said...

thanks Susie... feel free to offer it for your's all good!!!! for everyone until the 15th :) feeling the holiday love!

Elizabeth said...

Lori .... awesome!!11 I can't wait to speak with you too...yeah!!!!

Unknown said...

Talk about an offer I can't refuse! What an amazing, heartfelt idea. Going over to order, I can't wait to get them!

april said...

i'm not very familiar with tools of this nature, elizabeth. but i'm interested. could you explain a bit more about your wild woman cards?

Unknown said...

I love your cards Elizabeth! They are out on my counter and always intuitively send me the mos valuable messages. XO

Elizabeth said...

Karen.. I can't wait to talk with you. I got your order and they will be on their way in the next day or two… I'm so glad it was an offer to good to refuse… Yay!!!

Elizabeth said...

April.. I sure can… I'm so glad you asked…. My cards started as a set of hand painted stones and have become a 132 page book and 53 illustrated cards as you see above. Through images and words, these 53 cards and writings show the possibilities in our lives, inviting us to explore how we want to show ourselves individually as a community and as a world of women…

Many say they speak to their hearts, help them through tough times by pulling a card and reading the meaning, giving them some guidance and inspiration.

Many women say they changed their lived, use them with friends or in the groups they lead, and some have also formed businesses with their guidance…

All you have to do, is pull a card, read the meaning… there is of course much more you can do, but that is a really great way to begin.

I hope this helps a little…. to understand…. does it?

Elizabeth said...

That's so awesome Dana…thanks for telling me… so great… xoxo

Unknown said...

woohoo - I cant wait to chat to you Elizabeth - you are amazing. Filled with such wisdom and indeed enchantment. With love, Maria xx

Unknown said...

What a great and thoughtful special! Also a wonderful way to connect with people. Having a tool is one thing, but fully understanding how to utilize it is what makes it so valuable! Thank you for doing this!

Unknown said...

This is a beautiful idea! Love to your gorgeous wild woman soul!