Sunday, March 30, 2014
What Does the Wild Woman Need to Remember?
I received an email from a beautiful Wild Woman requesting if I knew of any prayers to help in hard times and for support. One of the prayers I shared with her, was the prayer of gratitude in my Wild Woman Mystery Card book and card set. Many have told me they have it on their walls. One woman told me she has it by her bedside.
Prayer is a beautiful connection, a direct communication, a sacred healing and a symphonic concert to your Soul path and deepest desires.
I've been thinking more about this as we come out of our winter caves, return to daylight savings time, and emerge more into the light and thought it would be a good time to share more.
Marianne Williamson would say:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
As we open to the light of Spring and shift back into our power in a different way and head toward the light with elation and fear and maybe even a deep feeling needing a new perspective on life there is only one thing we really need to do and that is 'to remember'.
What does it mean to remember?
Let me show you while at the same time, giving you ways to remember, starting with a prayer from me to you.
Here is my prayer to you, for you, with you:
Wild Woman . . .
The Divine is always with you
She is always around you
She is always holding you
She awaits your remembering
Knowing that is all you need to do
Little nudges, synchronicities, or a-ha's
will lead you to her
So listen deeply Wild Woman
Watch. Notice . . .
And remember . . .
And so it is.
By remembering, we can enter a new place. A new inner landscape. A new surroundings. Because it is with the thought, that we can begin to feel more calm, peaceful, loved.
Remember there is a part of you that is so alive with knowing that all you have to do is remember.
What does it mean to remember?
It only means, all that you wish for is just a thought away. For that thought, will bring a consciousness. What you need is consciousness . . . and that consciousness, will help you to arrive into the kind of life you dream for.
Say this prayer to your Self to remember:
You are not alone
The Divine is always here
She is around you as the air is for you to breathe
The only things you need to do is remember . . .
in your own way, your own time, in whatever way you want to.
Blessed be.
And as you head into slumber in your nights, I have written a prayer for you to use below along with the ones above. Feel free to use it (or the two prayers above) in the way that suits you for your own personal use. Change it up, read it aloud or silently as you settle or just read it here so you can remember.
Say this prayer when you go to sleep.
Now I lay me down to sleep
I see the moonlight beyond my feet
The window lights into my room
And I see the reason to sleep soon
For in this time is when I fall
Deep beneath the mellowed brow
Of a day that kept me well
And serves to teach things I can quell . . .
And so dear Earth
Slumber deep with me
I'll hold you near
And dream by the sea
And when I wake
I will know
What steps to take
To help me grow ...
Blessed be ... "
Be well. Sleep well. Remember well Wild Woman . . .
With love,
~Elizabeth xo
PS I will be teaching more about Wild Woman prayer, practice and ritual, in my new e-course coming soon. I'm just putting it together now. If you have anything you would like to see in that course, do let me know and I'll do my best to include it in the teachings for you.
About Elizabeth MacLeod BMus, BEd, PCP
Founder of Wild Woman Enchanted
Hi, I'm Elizabeth and I"m so glad you are here. Welcome!
I'm the author and illustrator of the Wild Woman Mystery Cards - An enchanting journey to your true self. I write, illustrate, teach and make Wild Woman Books and tools for your wild and most precious heart.
My mission in life or my "savoir faire" is to let every woman know that it's your birthright to be who you are and it's powerful, graceful, wild, loving and beautiful to live your life from your own authentic place.
I love big screen movies, meaningful words and anything sku blue and I'm passionate about women living their best life with their true selves.
So passionate, I created what many call "Life's Cheat Sheet", a "great wonderful guide" for the Wild Woman. And it's FREE!
copyright 2014 Elizabeth MacLeod. All rights reserved
Saturday, March 22, 2014
The Other Side of the Wild Shy Girl
When my mother was dying, I went back to Montreal to help her with her transition. One day I went to her church group at her request to give a workshop. My grad 5 teacher, Miss Bishop, was there. She looked exactly the same right down to her blond beehive bun. I felt like I had been transported back in time.
"Do you remember me?" I asked. "Oh yes" she smiled as she responded. "How do you remember me after all this time? I inquired. "You were painfully shy" she said. “Wow” I thought.
Sometimes people come to me and say, "Oh but I'm so shy" I say, "that's okay. Me too." I just look like I'm not shy! Doing my passion overrides it all. Searching deep down provides me with the push that takes me over the edge of my shyness and places me front and centre with my mission from the great, most high divine order. And with that, my shyness can exist as I step out and make my way in the world.
Are there times when I have to 'cave dwell'? Sure are! But for me, that's just a gathering of energy, a refueling of my connecting to the divine, a re-orchestration of love for my self and humanity. I think I am the conductor of this mighty life, and it's true, I am. But… when I surrender to the will of the universe, all falls before me as if I was in the lap of God herself.
Now, I've made a company called Wild Woman Enchanted and I'm the author and illustrator of the Wild Woman Mystery Cards which was an intense experience just to create, never mind publish.
And it's a far cry from the shy little girl hiding behind her mothers legs. I step out, I step in, I even step behind . . . but I never let the cat get my tongue. I just say "Hey beautiful shy girl, what's up?" And she always says to me where she's at. Maybe I'm moving to quickly to stay grounded. Maybe I'm feeling something inside me that says, "this isn't right." Maybe I'm just not that into it, or maybe it's not safe and I need to reconfigure my foundation.
What ever it is… I know she's got my back in a serious way. I don't have to discard her, I only have to listen and partner with this wise soul that is part of me. When she shows up, I just realize I'm moving out of my comfort zone or something outside me doesn't see me in the way I need to be seen to feel safe. No need to stop. No need to go. No need to do anything, but acknowledge. No need to engage in someone else's energy. No need to fix it. Just acknowledge. Just stay present with myself. That's all. 'Cause I know, she's right there, helping me navigate my path, and keeping me in my truth.
Shyness has a bad rap in the global community. Being shy is not suppose to be a ‘good thing’. But I can tell you from experience, that is not true. She's amazing. She's alert. She's gentle and so very loving. She sees people in ways others can not see. And she loves to dance in the living room to her favorite music when no one is watching.
Does that mean she doesn't dream or step out? Hell no. She's a dreamer of dreamers just like the best of them. She just does it differently, kindly and with the softness of a feather. She will take your hand if you reach out to her and is willing to come out to play without a nudge when she feels heard, safe and passionate. She's so friggin' amazing. I wish everyone could know her.
So is she part of my Wild Woman? You better believe it. And I love her for being there. She's just as wild as the rest of them. She has a unique vulnerability that can take you places you didn't know existed. And with that, your heart can open into something so far beyond what you thought you knew, that all you can do is bend down on your knees and give thanks for having her in your wild life. Who knew?
With Love,
~Elizabeth xo
PS Tell me about the other side of your Wild Shy Girl . . .
Elizabeth MacLeod BMus BEd PCP
Hi, I'm Elizabeth and I"m so glad you are here. Welcome!
I'm the author and illustrator of the Wild Woman Mystery Cards - An enchanting journey to your true self. I write, illustrate, teach and make Wild Woman Books and tools for your wild and most precious heart.
My mission in life or my "savoir faire" is to let every woman know that it's your birthright to be who you are and it's powerful, graceful, wild, loving and beautiful to live your life from your own authentic place.
I love big screen movies, meaningful words and anything sku blue and I'm passionate about women living their best life with their true selves.
So passionate, I created what many call "Life's Cheat Sheet", a "great wonderful guide" for the Wild Woman. And it's FREE!
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Peace be with you Dear Soul
The wild seems harsh at times. Forest fires to clear the forest randomly appear, killing everything in it's path. Heightened awareness needed to survive in the woods. A flash flood wiping out everything in it's path.
But is it really that vicious or is it just the way nature and the cosmos works when it really lives in all its mightiness and all it's creating and all its fullness with a knowing beyond what we can even comprehend?
And Music. The life it brings to the wildness of our souls . . .
As I write this, I listen to a recording of William Byrds, Lulla Lullaby, that we were singing at choir rehearsal when one of our choir members dropped slowly to his chair as he experienced a stroke. Like the wild can be, it was sudden. But surprisingly, it was also soft. Safe. Held.
Can you imagine, falling in between the worlds while being sung to . . . hearing the words . . . My sweet little baby . . . accompanied by beautiful harmonies, and gentle voices on the stage at a church doing something you love with others who love it too?
The choir I sing with are the most lovely individuals you would want to sing with. Our choir director too and she knows music well and brings it out of us in a way that feeds your soul. We are there, because we love it. We sing because we love it.
And this night, we were doing our thing together and sounding amazing. This piece moves you. It's just what it does. We are singing this piece in a festival soon, so we know it well. And it really is music to your ears.
Oh. Ouch. My heart hurts. Sharp. As I write this. Only because as I write this, I remember this moment, with Eric…. My heart has to stretch into the unknown realms that as a living being we don't yet know or remember. Music alone can take you there. This piece alone can open you. And witnessing the beginning of a transition from this world to another, cracks you open.
I can't imagine a better way to begin the transition though.
As he dropped to his chair, it took a moment for us to realize what was happening, as it was actually rather gentle. He was tenderly stopped from falling off the chair by his neighbour. We helped him to the floor where he would be safe. Someone went to call 911. I took his head in my hands and held him from behind.
"I feel fine" he slurred as he tried to stay alert. "Good" I responded. We knew he wasn't.
But I knew more than that. I knew his journey. I continued to hold his head in my hands. He leaned hard against me. One side not being able to support itself.
To allow him to feel safe, I told him what was happening "Eric" I said as I told him who was with him, "Someone is calling 911 right now. The choir is around you and we will stay here with you. We've called Carol and she's going to meet you at the hospital. There are two waiting at the window in the front and someone else by the front door to meet the paramedics when they get here so they can bring them here to us." And in that moment as I ended that sentence, he let go. A full breath left his lips. His lower lip rattled with relief as his body let go and relaxed. His breath quiet and even. He didn't have to worry anymore.
As I held his head in my hands, I prayed silently. And what came was not what I expected. Not that I expected anything really. But it wasn't what I expected. It was one of the most beautiful responses to a prayer I think I've ever felt. And I knew by what I saw and what I felt, that he was dyeing. I didn't say anything. But I knew. I didn't know when, or how long, but it was clear.
I kept praying and asking for help. It came in. I asked for help for everyone. It came in. Healing energy passing through my hands to Eric's head, it came through . . . and he fell into a deep sleep, the kind of sleep I know is healing, in a normal circumstances. His breaths became deep. It felt right. Good. Healing. This was a good sign in a regular healing session.
"Is he sleeping?" I asked looking at the woman holding his right hand just to acknowledge what was happening and to be clear. "Yes" she responded. We smiled at each other.
"Eric", one of the members said gently looking at him while holding his left hand "Stay with us" and he woke up. I was glad he slept. And I was glad he woke up. All was good. All was perfect. All was the way it was suppose to be. All was reassuring. Even though we were a little scared. We also were not. What we were, was present.
Time stopped. 25 minutes was like it didn't even exist until the paramedics took him to the hospital. It was only then that I knew it was 25 minutes. It didn't feel like anything at all. Time was not really part of my expereince.
My experience was also soft. Alert. Peaceful. Protective. Unknown. Full.
And as I held Eric, I could not miss his gentle nature. It came through everything. His essence, fully present. I could feel my own presence. I could feel the presence to the ethereal. I felt like I was in the presence of God. I knew this man had lived a beautiful life, just by what was here, what I felt. I still can't fully process it all. His funeral only yesterday.
But I can't help but think that death can be peaceful. Beautiful. Held. We make it something it doesn't have to be.
Eric showed me not to be afraid. He showed me that dieing is like living. We get to wake up into our humanness because you just can't avoid the feelings. It's too profound. So while he was finding his way elsewhere, we were profoundly finding our way too. We were present. Awake. Supporting. Loving.
I see his smile as I write this. He had a beautiful one. A little light in his eyes. Like the light that occurred as he began the transition to his next place with us that night.
To hold him for that time has profoundly affected me. I feel stretched beyond my skin, beyond my knowing. I feel held by God, by angels, by love. I feel like I know something about life that I didn't know the day before this experience.
I can't yet go into detail as it is too much for me today.
But I wanted to share with you another side of the wild. The Gentle, loving side. Death and severe illness may be a harsh thing to witness because we face our own mortality. And that is so much, we need to express ourselves and for me, today, I need to cry. Not because I'm sad only, but because it is a lot to witness and to have the privilege of being present too, and the energy needs somewhere to go. And because it's what we get to do as humans. Cry. Feel. Express. And be held in that.
I'm not sure how to let it all go through me. Yet. But I know it will and it is. I know that today, it might be a little too early to write.
Or maybe, it's just that what I saw, felt, experienced . . . is only love. Eric was loved. And he loved. And what was around him that night, was love. And what was in the heavens, was love. It was everywhere.
And maybe that's all that needs to be said right now.
That, and, I will leave you with a rendition of the song we were singing that night when all this happened. Lulla Lullaby, by William Byrd. Thank you William Byrd for your beautiful, loving music. If you only knew how you held us all that night.
~Elizabeth xo
PS I know the nature of this post is different. Please feel free to leave a comment, share your experiences or thoughts. I would love to hear from you.
PS I know the nature of this post is different. Please feel free to leave a comment, share your experiences or thoughts. I would love to hear from you.
Elizabeth MacLeod BMus, BEd, PCC
Founder of Wild Woman Enchanted
Founder of Wild Woman Enchanted
I'm the author and illustrator of the Wild Woman Mystery Cards - An enchanting journey to your true self. I write, illustrate, teach and make Wild Woman Books and tools for your wild and most precious heart.
My mission in life or my "savoir faire" is to let every women know that it's your birthright to be who you are and it's powerful, graceful, wild, loving and beautiful to live your life from your own authentic place.
I love big screen movies, meaningful words and anything sky blue and I'm passionate about women living their best life with their true selves.
So passionate, I created what many call "Life's Cheat Sheet" with all the resources you need in one place. It's "a great wonderful guide" and its FREE!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Why Cats Come to Earth or Why Daisy is Here.
I pick her up and snuggle her and she raises her little paw in the air. A little hmmm begins as her purrrrr reaches me and softly starts it's healing . . . and then she throws her head back in pure bliss, taking it in and going almost so limp you think she might fall out of my arms. We could all learn how to receive from little Daisy.… This little being is here to love. Love me. Love Reilly. Love you. Be loved. And love her life. Just love.
I remember one of my spiritual teachers saying that cats and dogs come to Earth for one of two reasons. One is because they need a break and so they come back to Earth as a cat or dog to get a break. And others come here to be of service…

Daisy? . . . She's here in service. She's here to love. She's here to make sure I know I am loved. She's here to tell me how cute she is so I can forget about everything else and open my heart. She's here to keep Reilly company when I'm not here. And she's here because Reilly and I need her. She's one of the cutest and softest of gentle blessings.
Like the touch of an angels' wings. That's little Daisy.
So now, I'm going to get up and go to the living room and even though she's sleeping here beside me in her special place on my desk . . . I might just have to kiss her little forehead in gratitude first before I leave. Could you resist such cuteness? . . . And when I do, I'll let the love trickle into my soul and ripple into the Universe . . .
And Daisy, she'll just take it in. Such a great big service for such a tiny and vulnerably soft, gentle soul.
~Elizabeth xo
Founder of Wild Woman Enchanted
Hi. I'm Elizabeth and I'm so glad you are here. Welcome!
I'm the author and illustrator of the Wild Woman Mystery Cards - An enchanting journey to your true self. I write, illustrate, teach and make Wild Woman Books and tools for your wild and most precious heart.
My mission in life or my "savoir faire" is to let every women know that it's your birthright to be who you are and it's powerful, graceful, wild, loving and beautiful to live your life from your own authentic place.
I love big screen movies, meaningful words and anything sky blue and I'm passionate about women living their best life with their true selves.
So passionate, I created what many call "Life's Cheat Sheet" with all the resources you need in one place. It's "a great wonderful guide" and its FREE!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Life is such an Experience. Don't Wait to Feel the Love.
Today I've traveled with my 2 four leggeds Daisy and Reilly, over to Vancouver, to attend my friends Celebration of Life. (The picture above is a picture of the two of us. Blurry but I like it! So did she).
It was a trying experience to leave the house to get there. It required taking both my cats, a ferry and all that required. Daisy has sore teeth and suddenly let out a scream. I've never heard a cat scream before. I guess she had bumped herself and now, her bottom gum was split at the tooth. She was in pain. So an unexpected trip to the vet on the way to the ferry was now happening.
As I was loading the car, I came outside, and around my car were two, what seemed like Giant Pigs. I moved towards the car and they moved towards me. And, when I carried the food out, guess who was coming at full density my way. The pigs. Now there are not small pigs. They are big. Up to my waist, big. And Smart. And when they rub their back with the car, the car moves. That kind of pig. Heavy. And they are tame and friendly. And determined when they think you have food. Forget getting into your car. Forget that you have to cats to bring out. Forget that you can even load the car.
So, I'm going to a 'funeral', I have a sick cat that now needs a vet and I can't get into the car, I missed the ferry, and I was tired.
Is this my life?
Yup. How many people can talk about pigs in their yard? Not saying it's a joyful experience. My neighbour and her animals, well, let's not go there.
So after a call to the local dog control people, as their is not a pig control unit, to come and help me, we started to get things in order. The vet still could see us, but we were now 2 ferries behind.
One might say the syncronicities were such that maybe I shouldn't go to see Pam and celebrate her and our time together and her life here on Earth. But I don't see it as such.
Pam was very open about her experience. I asked her before her death if I could write about it and share pictures and she said yes. So here I am, not sharing in the way I thought I would. That's the joy of letting things open before you as you move along.
Pam had told me one day, that if she had to do it again, she wouldn't do chemo because her quality of life was so bad. She couldn't use her hands or go out or do the things she thought she would be able to do. She had thought about this and I appreciated her candour. We talked long about this discovery for her.
So, now, here I was. Pigs handled. Car loaded. Cats in. And now at the vet and being told that Daisy needed surgery, that it would cost me over $1300, never mind the pre-blood test and the pain medication she needed to help her right now. . . and that Reilly just had been to the vet too, 3 days prior and after $300, had her meds upped (she's doing okay now)…. I sat there, thinking about life.
The money took me down. Yes. It impacted me.
The whole experience with the pigs was over the top… but a strangely unusual story. And taking two cats with you to someone's house, even though they love them, is not the easiest, stress-free experience.
But that's what it is. An experience. An experience of life that I still get to have. An experience of heart that I still get to feel with Daisy. An experience of appreciation for Reilly as I witness her bravery with the needles in her neck so we can get her feeling better. An experience of the exchange of money so that I can care for my little 4 legged family. I get to experience. Fully. My life.
I get to make decisions about what is working and what is not. I get to laugh at the TOTAL absurdity of pigs in my yard. Maybe a funny joke from Pam about life's appreciation! I mean, who else can tell that kind of story on the way to a funeral.
Pam told me also, as she traveled through this time and heavily into the treatment. "You know Lizzie, I really know I am loved. It took cancer for me to know it. I couldn't feel it before. But now, I know. Without a doubt. Cancer has been a gift that way." She wept. I understood. I wept too.
So on the way to the celebration of my friends life, I got to get right deep down into the wildness of life. I got to experience life. Fully.
And I got to love, and know I'm loved, with my little 4 leggeds, with my own witnessing of my heart with their illnesses, with my friends who patiently waited and supported us as we arrived. And arriving in the dark, late and having my bags, all of them, carried into the house for me. Thank you! And with the bed I slept in with two stressed cats, walking over my face in the night, just to make sure I was here. And experiencing every moment.
It's an amazing experience. Those syncronicities? They were not for me to say I shouldn't come. Although it could have looked that way because of the enormous effort it took. They were there for me to show me how full my life was. That everything was so rich. That my heart could stretch beyond it's known capacity again and again. And yes, I was tired at the end of the day. Almost in tears from the 3 ferry late struggle. But that makes me happy. Happy as I travel to spend some time with Pam and think of the wisdom she shared with me along the way.
What a blessing for someone to be so candid, so willing to share their experience. There obviously is so much more. But I will leave you with this . . . it's best to love while you can, even love the pigs in your yard or at least the experience later! It's best to acknowledge that you have the ability to experience at every turn, no matter what it is. We get to be human, beyond our capacity. What a ride. Really.
On the way here, I stopped to get a chicken for dinner at Whole Pay Check! (Whole foods) … and the cashier said "How are you today?" as I placed the chickens on the table before her. "Oh, I said, today I'm having a day! "Me too" she said. "It's been so strange" "Yes" I responded "and mercury was suppose to go out of retrograde yesterday!" We laughed.
"What happened in your day?" she sincerly asked as she swiped the "buy 2 chickens and get $4 off" deal.
"Well" I said. "My friend died of Cancer. I'm going to her funeral. I had to bring my cats because one of them is sick and needs a pill every 12 hours. That's another story. Then my other cat, Daisy, bumped her mouth, and split her gum only to discover all her teeth need to be removed. She's in pain. In fact, she screamed. I've never heard a cat scream. Poor little sweetie. . . So on the way here, I had to stop at the vet. So here I had two sick cats, pigs in my yard so I couldn't get them to the vet because I couldn't get in the car, money falling out of my pocket into the hands of the vets who are caring for them like it was running water, mud all over my pants from the pigs (I showed her my leg) I got a ferry 3 times later than I thought I would and my friends are waiting patiently for my arrival. I'm here buying chicken so I can eat dinner and well, I think I'm feeling a little tired" I paused. She swiped the chicken. "But, life is good". I said as looked at her and smiled.
We both smiled. The irony. I said a little whisper to Pam.
"Pigs in your yard?" she said inquisitively. "Yup, I said. "I kid you not" And I told her the story.
"That's the best story I've heard all day!" she said. I smiled. "Yeah" I said. "It's pretty good story. Thanks for asking so I could share it with you." "Thanks for telling me. You made my day" she said.
We shook hands over the table, because we actually wanted to hug and the cash machine was in the way. No, I didn't know her. But love is everywhere. That's what Pam discovered. That's what her gift to me on the way to her "Celebration of Life" is. She's gifting me. A blessing to be sure. That's what I was getting to see and remember. And I was getting to experience my life fully as I came to celebrate hers.
I'm off to spend some time now, with Pam and her family and friends. I am full. And I am filled. And I am grateful. Thanks Pam. Thank you. Namaste.
With love,
~Elizabeth xo
Founder of Wild Woman Enchanted
Hi. I'm Elizabeth and I'm so glad you are here. Welcome!
I'm an author, teacher, publisher and Wild Woman living on the Sunshine Coast of BC with my 2 four-leggeds Daisy and Reilly.
Exploring our connection with our selves . . . mmmmmm . . .
Go inside. Let her speak. I'll show you how.
Want to get more creative, see the syncronicities for what they are, feel better by connecting with your true self. Click here for the Wild Woman Shift. It's FREE! It's a wonderful, great guide."
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